Since September of 2015 I've been working on a project that I named
Spectre Mag.
During a shift at my retail job, I was struck with inspiration to start this project. Inspired by the upcoming Halloween season (which honestly is never seasonal for myself or my people), inspired by my fascination with lingerie and all things sheer, inspired by this group of moving people: artistic, queer, femme and emotive individuals that have stirred my life up in ways I couldn't even imagine.
My ideas came in spurts of themes. To have each of these people model for certain planned out shoots. Sultry, spooky portraiture. To showcase body positivity with a twist of disturbing or creepy crawlies.
It's going to be May soon, and since then I have accumulated over 16 shoots of people. I originally wanted this project to be done by Halloween of 2015 and to be printed in a monochrome zine. At first it was a calendar. But that idea was scrapped pretty quickly.
Having little to no experience in zine printing, amongst other delays, I am now here, showcasing all of my shoots and series to their full glory instead of limiting each shoot to only a few photos on a page. Although I'd still like to print a zine, I think this will now be my main focus. To create an online zine for not JUST the original idea of Spectre, but for the spirit of its focus and to continue its style.
To tease, here are a few shots of my close friend Naomi, a bug enthusiast and exotic pet owner that is also interested in "vulture culture.” Her shoot was the first I had taken. A simple idea of a sheet ghost revealing her sexy boney insides.
I want to show someone feeling sexy.
I want to leave the audience feeling haunted.
Welcome to the start of something magical.
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